Bible Art Projects

Advent | Exploring Jesus’ Lineage with Art | Christmas Bible Art Project | Week 3 Days 15 through 25

Advent | Exploring Jesus’ Lineage with Art | Christmas Bible Art Project | Week 3 Days 15 through 25

A Bible Art Project will add one more special element to your Advent celebration.

How It Works

(Skip down to Verses, if you already know how it works)

The purpose of our Bible Art Projects are to connect Reading, Faith, Biblical Verse and Art. It is my hope that these multidisciplinary activities are aimed at enhancing your child’s learning experience and helping cement scripture into their memory.

Encourage your child to be creative. If your child needs prompting or some ideas give them many ideas to help formulate their own. Be careful not to direct them too closely. This illustration is their version, their art inspired by the Lord’s word. Have supplies on hand and set them in front of your child. Each day use the next bible verse or passage to inspire that morning’s art project.

Depending upon your child’s abilities, you can read the bible passages to your child, have your child read them or have your children take turns reading the scripture.

Once the scripture has been read it is time to start the art project.
Any art medium will work, paper and crayons, watercolors, collages, colored pencils, paints and canvas, clay modeling, or anything else you or your child can come up with.

If a bible art project is something you would like to incorporate into your homeschool day, you can find a list of our projects here.

Bible Verses are from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible.


December 15 : Elijah and God’s Triumph over Baal
1 Kings 18:17–24, 36–39

December 16: Isaiah’s Jesse Prophecy
Mark 1:1-8

December 17: Jonah and the Whale
Whole Book

December 18: John the Baptist
Exodus 3:2, 20:1

December 19 Mary
Birth of Jesus Foretold
Luke 1:26-38

December 20:  Elizabeth:
Luke 1:39-56

December 21:   Zechariah: 
Luke 1: 57-80

December 22:  Joseph
Matthew 1: 19- 25

December 23:  The Shepherds
Luke 2: 8-12

December 24: The Wise Men
Matthew 2: 1-12

December 25: Jesus
Luke: 2 1-8

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