Curriculum Homeschooling

Top Four Picks for Free Art Lessons

As more and more data are collected it is no surprise to educators that the Arts are an important part of education. The integration of Arts into the classroom is an important attribute that homeschool families don’t want to miss out on. There are many options for incorporating music, art, poetry and theater into your homeschool routine. Music lessons, local children’s’ choirs and orchestras, local children’s theaters and on-line opportunities for poetry and storytelling are all great resources that we need to be tapping into.

There is no denying that children introduced to music and hands on art show signs of improved memory, improved cognitive abilities along with improved vocabulary. Americans for the Arts has put together some interesting information on this topic. You can see the report here. As science provides data showing the importance of art in the classroom homeschool families really should consider adding it to their busy schedules.

I know not all homeschool parents are of the creative types. If you are not prone to creativity the thought of bringing it into your schedule can be daunting and feel like one more subject to squeeze in. Whether you are prone to creative ideas or need a little help in that area I have included four FREE hands on art resources for FREE art lessons to bring into your day. I hope you find one that works for your family and your schedule. ~ Happily Homeschooling.

Deep Space Sparkle

I have found Ms. Patty’s art lessons fun and easy to share with my son. Ms. Patty and her husband run a company that provides art resources. Through the Deep Space Sparkle website you can find free video lessons, lesson ideas and inspiration to help bring a fun art program into your homeschool. Every month Deep Space Sparkle offers free art resources. They have a freebie pack of art projects that are seasonally based. You can sign up for the freebies here.

If you would like to explore more of what Ms. Patty and Deep Space Sparkle have to offer you can check out her website, Youtube channel and her Facebook page, if you would like to . You can find a library of Ms. Patty’s project lessons on her LESSON PAGE. On top of the lessons she also offers workshop to help learn to teach art.


Art for Kids Hub is a website with many art how to videos. These how to videos include drawing, painting and even origami.


Jerry’s Artarama has been in the art industry since 1968. He offers discounted art supplies and has an art related Youtube channel. Jamie Fischer from Jerry’s Artarama Youtube Channel has a complete playlist called Art Explorations for Kids.


Your can find more advanced Free Art Lessons from Jescia Hopper. Jescia Hopper is high school art teacher who shares her art techniques on Youtube. Her videos have a variety of drawing, painting and even sculpture tutorials. You can also visit her website here.

LeeAnna Campbell’s Fun End of the Year Art Project.

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